129. Saya sayang Ummi saya.
Posted: Saturday, May 7, 2011 by Syed M. in Labels: A.K.U, luahan rasa, umi
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Ingat balik bila saya selalu mengamuk,
Ummi saya selalu tenangkan saya. =}
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Dulu bila dia kejut saya pagi nak pergi sekolah,
saya malas nak bangun.
Selalu jugak dia yang bawak saya mandi.
Kadang-kadang berdukung. =P
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Biarpun saya tak bagitahu apa yang saya rasa,
dia tetap tahu semua. Dia tahu siapa yang saya suka =O
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Bila saya nangis,
dia nangis sekali. =')
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Kalau saya Kamen Rider,
dia bos saya.
Kalau saya Naruto,
dialah Hokage. >=)
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Tiap-tiap hari dia call,
sampai malas pulak nak angkat. sorriiiii~~~
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Selalu jugak ummi cakap. "Nanti ummi takdop kekgi..."
Sayapun mencelah, "Ha...moleklah tu cakak gitu. Odo ummi."
Tanak hari tu datang. ='(
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Ingat balik bila saya selalu mengamuk,
Ummi saya selalu tenangkan saya. =}
Bila saya cakap, "Ummi, abe nak beli CD Kamen Rider."
Ummi saya kasik RM20 dan cakap, "Nah, pergi beli." =D
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Dulu bila dia kejut saya pagi nak pergi sekolah,
saya malas nak bangun.
Selalu jugak dia yang bawak saya mandi.
Kadang-kadang berdukung. =P
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Bilamana saya patah hati,
dia ada kat sebelah nak kuatkan balik. =)
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Biarpun saya tak bagitahu apa yang saya rasa,
dia tetap tahu semua. Dia tahu siapa yang saya suka =O
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Haritu saya cakap, "Abe nak kawin."
Ummi nangis dan cakap, "Pergilah."
sebab ummi tak nak saya jauh dari dia. XP
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Bila saya nangis,
dia nangis sekali. =')
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Bila ba RIDER KICK marah saya,
ummi back up saya. =]
Kalau saya Kamen Rider,
dia bos saya.
Kalau saya Naruto,
dialah Hokage. >=)
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Semua cerita dia ceritakan balik dekat saya,
sampai saya pun malas nak dengar. 8P
Tiap-tiap hari dia call,
sampai malas pulak nak angkat. sorriiiii~~~
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Kawan saya, anak ummi jugak.
Guru-cikgu saya, kawan ummi.
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Selalu jugak ummi cakap. "Nanti ummi takdop kekgi..."
Sayapun mencelah, "Ha...moleklah tu cakak gitu. Odo ummi."
Tanak hari tu datang. ='(
Saya sayang ummi saya.
Awak-awak sayang ummi awak?
Selamat hari Ibu, ummi.
*Lagu ni lagu jepung, tapi lirik dia deeeeeeeeeep giler*
*Lagu ni lagu jepung, tapi lirik dia deeeeeeeeeep giler*
Tsubomi - Kobukuro
Without letting anyone notice,
Your tears spilled and blended with your sweat-covered smile
That's why I don't know of your tears
Having never been extinguished, it was lighting up my heart
I received from you the tender light, proof of unconditional love
While being enveloped by the gentle spot under the sun, i whisper into your back
even if a day like this comes again
surely, surely, surely, even if you would be able to understand
vanishing and blooming, this year too the flower bud is waiting for me
the petal dancing in the wind that my palm can't grasp
stops on the shoulder lightly
skillfully riding it and showing a smile, i remember you by myself
in the valley of buildings, sometimes buried dreams bud too
isn't that what makes flowers bloom? you can't choose where your dreams will blossom
the silhouettes we dropped on this town, they're all looking for the light
even as time overlaps and flows over itself
surely, surely, surely the day we grow out of this will come
on the breezeless track, the beautiful sky of May feels blue and lonely
the motionless scattered clouds will always be floating
With no place to return to anymore
Just like me, in the whispering wind it dances to the ground with a flash, my tears
On the verge of dropping, once more the re-opening petals, are like you,
that gave silent encouragement countless times grasped by these hands
vanishing and blooming, this year too the flower bud is waiting for me
even now i still can't grasp the dreams I painted with you
Stopping right beside me
Opening gracefully just like a smile, i keep looking for the flower bud, in the sky
Your tears spilled and blended with your sweat-covered smile
That's why I don't know of your tears
Having never been extinguished, it was lighting up my heart
I received from you the tender light, proof of unconditional love
While being enveloped by the gentle spot under the sun, i whisper into your back
even if a day like this comes again
surely, surely, surely, even if you would be able to understand
vanishing and blooming, this year too the flower bud is waiting for me
the petal dancing in the wind that my palm can't grasp
stops on the shoulder lightly
skillfully riding it and showing a smile, i remember you by myself
in the valley of buildings, sometimes buried dreams bud too
isn't that what makes flowers bloom? you can't choose where your dreams will blossom
the silhouettes we dropped on this town, they're all looking for the light
even as time overlaps and flows over itself
surely, surely, surely the day we grow out of this will come
on the breezeless track, the beautiful sky of May feels blue and lonely
the motionless scattered clouds will always be floating
With no place to return to anymore
Just like me, in the whispering wind it dances to the ground with a flash, my tears
On the verge of dropping, once more the re-opening petals, are like you,
that gave silent encouragement countless times grasped by these hands
vanishing and blooming, this year too the flower bud is waiting for me
even now i still can't grasp the dreams I painted with you
Stopping right beside me
Opening gracefully just like a smile, i keep looking for the flower bud, in the sky
kite pun sayang ummi kite. ummi kite pesan, solat jangan tinggal..kadang2 bile berjauhan dengan ummi,ummi kite ajar masak macam2..kawan2 kite puji masakan kite, sebenarnya itu resepi ummi..ummi la yang patut terime pujian tu..sayang ummi kite sangat2..:P